Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Space in Between

The week between Christmas and New Years is always a nice time. It's not very busy but it's still considered 'the holidays' so it's okay to be a little lazy, and it's a good time to try to get things done before the year is officially over. This year I had to go back to work this week, (1 day down, 2 to go!) but I'm still trying to accomplish some things over this short period of time, like think of my New Year's Resolutions. It seems like an easy task, but I really want to come up with some concrete resolutions that I'll be able to (and actually want to) follow. One of them will probably be something to do with this blog, like figure out what it's all about and why I'm writing it, and then maybe actually write on it...

In the meantime, here's a couple of photos that I took with Matt on our Adventure Day that I never posted (since I haven't been able to take any in ages - it's a dark, wet winter in Vancouver).

Saturday, December 24, 2011

24 - Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone! Now I am going to enjoy the holidays and as many more happy memories as I can squeeze into the rest of 2011!

Friday, December 23, 2011


Almost there! Okay I have to admit, this picture is technically from 2010. But the very, very end of 2010, just before we rang in the New Year in Sweden. I'm a little sad we can't celebrate another Swedish Christmas, but I'm also very happy to be spending this year with my family at home. Nothing beats my mom's homemade Christmas baking, watching It's a Wonderful Life on Christmas Eve, and just spending some quiet time at home with family. And eating turkey of course. Last year's Swedish dinner was good, but wasn't quite the same. At least I brought my Canadian spirit with me, check out those awesome mittens.

Thursday, December 22, 2011


Only two more pieces left! Are you enjoying Christmas music, baking, and holiday festivities as much as I am?

Do you recognize this place from another post? What a gorgeous day for an Adventure...

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Though our travels were such an exciting time and I loved the adventure (well most of it, not the bedbugs, illnesses, or occasional homesickness), the best part of coming home was seeing my friends and family again! This photo is of me and my best friend all dolled up at my sister's wedding. We had such a fun time dancing the night away. 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Christmas is coming up quick now! Seems like so long ago we were in Istanbul enjoying a bit of warmer weather even though it was only February. Sitting in the sunshine, experiencing the city and listening to the Call to Prayer ring out from multiple mosques was an amazing experience, it is such a beautiful place. I am so lucky that my wonderful boyfriend made so many special videos of our trip.

Turkey from Matt on Vimeo.

Monday, December 19, 2011


Dancing around the Midsommar pole on Midsommar's Eve! "Little frogs, little frogs!" That was one of the songs we danced to, we had to act like little frogs with lots of hopping around! Such a fun day despite the rain and Matt made another short, but sweet video so you can see me doing my best to follow along with the Swedish songs!